Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Best of the Year in Rants

There was plenty to be angry about this year; the Gulf Oil Spill, assaults on net neutrality, Mark Zuckerberg winning Time's Person of the Year. Check out the best rants from our most irate writers in 2010.

The Best of the Year in Rants1. Top Ten Reasons You Should Quit Facebook - May 5th
Facebook privacy policies keep going down the drain. That's enough reason for many to abandon it. Here you will find nine more:

The Best of the Year in Rants2. First Broken iPhone 4 Screen - June 10th
The iPhone is made of aluminosilicate glass. Apple says it's "chemically strengthened to be 20 times stiffer and 30 times harder than plastic" and it's "ultradurable and more scratch resistant than ever." Still not enough to survive a 3.5-foot drop.

The Best of the Year in Rants3. More Reasons Why You Should Still Quit Facebook - May 10th
The response to the Top Ten Reasons You Should Quit Facebook was huge, although not without objections or doubts. Here are the some definitive answers from Dan Yoder that you should share on your Facebook walls...before disabling your account.

The Best of the Year in Rants4. USA-Slovenia Stolen Match Proves Why Soccer Needs Tech - June 18th
I'm Spanish. I've been watching soccer-football-all my life, and I always wondered why the hell don't they use technology to solve one of the biggest problems of this game: Referees making bad calls. Like in today's USA-Slovenia game.

The Best of the Year in Rants5. F*ck You, Google - February 12th
I use my private Gmail account to email my boyfriend and my mother. There's a BIG drop-off between them and my other "most frequent" contacts. You know who my third most frequent contact is? My abusive ex-husband.

The Best of the Year in Rants6. Thanks Google, For the Free, Unusable Wi-Fi on Planes This Holiday - December 3rd
Did you know Virgin, Delta and AirTran has free Wi-Fi on their planes this holiday season? If you didn't, the flight attendants will tell you when you board-which is bad for those who actually need to use the Wi-Fi.

The Best of the Year in Rants7. What iPhone OS 4 Doesn't Give the iPhone 3G - April 13th
Obsolescence, meet iPhone. It's true, iPhone OS 4 won't touch the original iPhone at all. But even the iPhone 3G is getting shafted quite a bit with iPhone OS 4.

The Best of the Year in Rants8. Why the Hell Did Apple Pull Camera+ From the App Store? - August 12th
Apple has pulled Camera+ from the App Store. Its only sin: Allow iPhone customers to press the volume button to take photos. But why are they taking away a feature that everyone has been demanding since the JesusPhone was introduced?

The Best of the Year in Rants9. Crime Prediction Software Is Here and It's a Very Bad Idea - April 14th
There are no naked pre-cogs inside glowing jacuzzis yet, but the Florida State Department of Juvenile Justice will use analysis software to predict crime by young delinquents, putting potential offenders under specific prevention and education programs. Goodbye, human rights!

The Best of the Year in Rants10. Obama Cancels Kennedy's Dream - February 5th
Once upon a time, a President thought that taking humans "to the Moon and the planets beyond" was not only good for the economy of the country, but also would push US technology decades beyond everybody's else. He was right.

Been under a rock? See what else happened this year in our Best of 2010 series.

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